Elite Studios Media & Entertainment

Season 3

Self Making

Mauro Caralps

Self Making is THE PODCAST for all your Self-Improvement needs. It was created as a tool to raise awareness on Self-Improvement, in which every week each guests talk about subjects such as Business, Productivity, Lifestyle & Fitness, to where the guests talk about their experiences and express the tools needed to thrive in life. To show people the way to succeed.The conversations are recorded in our Native language, Papiamento. Our online audience will be able to join in on tips, lessons, success stories, books to read and more!

Self Making is hosted by Mauro Caralps, who you must have recognized from the

‘VOTA PA KEN?’ show and ‘E DEBATE’ during the electoral elections in 2021.


Ming Li Luidens

Den e prome episodio di e season nobo Mauro cu su co-host Erwin ta combersa cu Ming Li Luidens 

Tarrick Ras

Un Radio host y Social media host.

Cristian Soto Garcia

Entrepreneur (Ganikome)

Krish Mahtani

In this episode we hace a segment with the representatives of Immerse Aruba and the CEO of Elite Productions & Entertainment & Elite Studios

Steven De Cuba

Ta dificil pa topa cu ambicion, motivacion y drive puro awendia, bo no ta haya mucho hende asina. Menos si nos ta papiando di un persona di 24 aña!!

WAPU Podcast Curaçao

Mauro y Erwin combersando cu podcasters Manuel y Boris di WAPU Podcast di Curaçao.

Mario Gonsalves

Nicholas Hutchison

Founder of BookThinkers

Edward Cheung

Jay Maduro

Johnny Boekhoudt & Jonathan Petit